The How To Guide for School Leavers
29th October 2022
By Ben Walker
What’s in this Guide
This guide has been filmed and written to help young people learn vital knowledge that we’re just not taught at school. This ranges from what you might need to know when you’re moving out, to things you should know when you’re trying to find a job.
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Jobs and Work

This section focuses on finding the right job for you, and covering the process from writing a CV to performing well in the interview. As job hunting isn’t something that is taught at school, it can be difficult to find tips about finding a job you could love. To go to this section, click the button below.
Moving out

Many people think that when they finish school then it is time to move out, whether that be for independence or to go to further education. But, there is a lot to know before you make this decision. With topics ranging from buying your own house, renting and even the types of mortgages, this section could help you make a big decision. To go to this section, click the button below.
Money – Make it work for you

Learning about money is something that everyone has to do at some point. But, it is a massive topic, and it’s not easy to find all the information you might need. So, whether you want to learn about budgeting and saving or passive income, this section has something for you. Click the button below to get to this section.
What to know about Debt

Debt is a scary topic, but it’s vital to know about. With debt coming in various forms, we can’t bury our heads in the sand and ignore it. So, whether you are considering taking on student debt, or getting a payday loan, this section could help you understand what you’re getting into. If you are already in debt, then there is even a post with information about getting out of debt. To go to this section, click the button below.